Wednesday, September 08, 2010

when life gets tough ..

when life journey gets tough , what do we do ? *__*

do we continue smiling with faith & trust in the universe ?
or do we become depress and go down the tunnels of darkness ..

a switch of mind , of how we think, really affected our forth going journey .....

if you believe you can, you can ? ..... how strong can we be in times of difficulties ?

i cant say that my pains or my tough times are any bigger or lighter than other people ,
as when we are in the midst of those times, its always difficult to take a step out of our surroundings and to think on the outside circle ....but what i always believe ,
what i've always hang on to ....... is to believe in the flow of my own journeys ... thru the bads, thru the goods, i've always learnt lots ...

so i pray today , Dear God, my angels and faeries and elves and totem animals,
stay with me thru these times of change, be with me and guide me along each steps,
let me be brave and walk thru the difficulties times,
let me stay positive and happy , helping others too in my own ways,
i love you all ^__^

*hugzs*hugzs *

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