Friday, March 28, 2008

earth hour 2008

At 8pm on the 29 March, 2008, millions of people in some of the world’s major capital cities, including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tel Aviv and Manila will unite and switch off for Earth Hour.

This year Singapore will be part of this global effort organized by the WWF to attempt at making a statement in energy conservation. Apparently Sydney did it in a big way in 2007 by going as far as switching off all the lights on the Sydney Harbor Bridge for 1 hour! The efforts in 1 hour on 1 day reduced Sydney’s energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for one hour.

check out the web and lets do our part too !!!! ^__^

1) Join a lights out party! There are several held around Singapore. Turn off all the lights in your house, grab your family and head on down to these venues to join in the fun. An hour away from the computer is an hour with humanity!

2) Go for a night walk There are several nature areas and parks in Singapore where you can go for a nice stroll with your family, children, friends or partners. Quite romantic! How about just take advantage of all the street lights we have and read a book in the void deck for an hour while enjoying the night breeze?

3) Stargazing Enjoy the darkness and admire the stars with a group that has organized a stargazing session at the field in front of Chinese Garden.

4) Go camping! Grab your children and family and go on an adventure camping on the beach! There are many islands and beaches in Singapore where you can camp at for free. If not camping, maybe you can grab a big group of friends and have a BBQ or campfire on the beach while getting them to turn off all the lights in their homes!

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