Monday, June 18, 2007

this thurs is summer solstice !!

The Summer Solstice is also known as: Alban Heflin, Alben Heruin, All-couples day, Feast of Epona, Feast of St. John the Baptist, Feill-Sheathain, Gathering Day, Johannistag, Litha, Midsummer, Sonnwend, Thing-Tide, Vestalia, etc.

It is also referred to as Midsummer because it is roughly the middle of the growing season throughout much of Europe.

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.

Personally for me......i celebrated the day with lots of laughters and fun and love and food !!!!! its a joyful day to share with loved ones and friends and families.......

it is also a day to make wishes !!!!!! as the physical manifestations are the most powerful for this day !!!!!! so make sure you are happy on this day !!!!!!!

Summer solstice may refer to:

Xiazhi (夏至), solar term in East Asia.
Summer Solstice Parade and Pageant, in Seattle, USA.
Sanziana celebration of the Western Carpatian Mountains.
Midsummer holiday in various Western traditions.
St. John's Eve celebration of Ireland and Spain.
Saint Jonas' Festival of Lithuania.
Ivan Kupala Day celebration of parts of Russia and Ukraine.
NYC Midsummer, in New York, USA.
Jāņi celebration of Latvia.
Chester Midsummer Watch Parade, in Chester, England.
Golowan Festival, in Cornwall, England.
Pagan Spirit Gathering, in Athens, USA.
Alban Hefin

Do check the meanings out online if u are interested to know more ...... hehehhe *smile*

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