Monday, June 11, 2007

weird dream

hmmm my heart still pumping harder than usual after i woke up from the dreams !

tom was with me on a mission . we were working for the mankind specialist team . to clean up floating moving real dead bodies. they are like zoombies around still damaging the earth.

we were taken on the facilities and shown around by a lady. the lady took me to a shower space and teach me how to use the equipments. she told me thts where i have to shower after each trip to get rid of dripping bloods. the showers are like forceful waterfalls splashing out when i press a certain buttons.

then tom was very supporting thru the journey as he knew how much i felt and how much responsibilties were on my shoulders.... the dreams felt so real and so sad in a way if mother earth really turns out tht way...

hmmmm hmmmmm the journey on a sailing boat thru those places makes me sick in a way as everywhere i turn i can feel all the feelings and energies of the dead..... makes my heart felt so heavy ....

wht a dream ...

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