Friday, June 29, 2007

every fri night channel 5 at10pm

this is one show that i will recommend to people !

"Ghost Whisperer" tells of a gal with her special abilities to talk to departed souls thats still being left on earth .... shes suppose to help the departed souls or rather ghosts to fulfill their last wishes so that they can move on to the light and gets reborn again .....

Melinda Gordon is a young newlywed with the unique ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of people who have died, and who seek her help. Melinda uses her gift to relay significant messages and important information to the living, but sometimes the messages she receives are intense and confusing. As a result, she is often met with questions and skepticism by the survivors. But when Melinda is able to help both the lost souls who contact her and those who are still alive, she knows that her unique talent is an asset and not a liability.

catch it on every fri night at 10pm on channel5 ......

i loveeeeee it !!!!!! cos i can resonate n relate to it ....... ^__^

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Photos taken at D.I.S Official Launch

heres some of the photos taken yesterday !!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Blog by Gary van Warmerdam

Blog by Gary van Warmerdam

"Here is the critical point to understand when it comes to controlling your
happiness. You can control your happiness to the degree that you can
control your attention in your mind.

"By controlling your attention you are able to determine the perspective
you choose. With choice over your perspective you can decide what
interpretations to make and which one you will believe. Choosing the
interpretation you make will determine your emotional outcome.

"It's popular today for people to try changing their thinking or beliefs in
order to create happiness in their life. However a prerequisite to changing
your thinking is that you first have to get control over your attention. If
you don't do this, your thinking will attempt to control your thinking. This
can become a circular loop in the mind.

"If you gain control over your attention, then happiness is easy. What
people may find challenging is that they were given no training in
controlling their attention or even what it is.

"A second critical element needed to control happiness is that you
expand your awareness. It is not enough to control your attention. You
must also be able to shift your perspective to points of view of
acceptance, love, compassion and respect. If you can control your
attention, but can't extend it into this range of love and laughter your
emotional experience of happiness will be limited. When you have a limited
number of ways of interpreting events your possibility for happiness is
limited as well . . . . "

e universe is made of stories


The poet Muriel Rukeyser said the universe is composed of stories, not of
atoms. The physicist Werner Heisenberg declared that the universe is
made of music, not of matter.

And we believe that if you habitually expose yourself to toxic stories and
music, you could wind up living in the wrong universe, where it's
impossible to become the gorgeous genius you were born to be.
That's why we implore you to nourish yourself with delicious, nutritious
tales and tunes that inspire you to exercise your willpower for your
highest good.


"The only war that matters is the war against the imagination.
All other wars are subsumed by it."
—Diane Di Prima, "Rant," from Pieces of a Song


Astrologer Caroline Casey offers an apt metaphor to illustrate how crucial
it is for us to hear and read good stories. She notes that if we don't have
enough of the normal, healthy kind of iodine in our bodies, we absorb
radioactive iodine, which has entered the food chain through nuclear test
explosions conducted in the atmosphere. Similarly, unless we fill ourselves
up with stories that invigorate us, we're more susceptible to sopping up
the poisonous, degenerative narratives.


Novelist Ursula K. Le Guin decries the linear perspective that dominates
modern storytelling. She says it's "like an arrow, starting here and going
straight there and THOK! hitting its mark." Furthermore, she complains,
plots are usually advanced through conflict, as if interesting action can't
possibly arise from any other catalyst.

I invite you to rebel against these oppressive conventions. Wean yourself
from tales that have reductive plot lines fueled primarily by painful
events. Celebrate the luminous mysteries that have shaped your own life
story: the meandering fascinations that didn't lead to tidy conclusions,
the wobbly joys that fed your soul but didn't serve your ego's ambitions,
the adventures whose success revolved around brain-teasing
breakthroughs instead of exhausting triumphs over suffering.


How did it come to be that what we call the news is reported solely by
journalists? There are so many other kinds of events besides the narrow
band favored by that highly specialized brand of storytellers. Indeed,
there are many phenomena that can literally not even be perceived by
journalists. Their training, their temperament, and their ambitions make
vast areas of human experience invisible to them.

"Ninety-six percent of the cosmos puzzles astronomers." I loved reading
that headline on the CNN website. It showed that at least some of our
culture's equivalents of high priests, the scientists, are humble enough to
acknowledge that the universe is made mostly of stuff they can't even
detect, let alone study.

If only the journalists were equally modest. Since they're not, we'll say it:
The majority of everything that happens on this planet is invisible to


In the early years of Christianity, there were hundreds of books
interpreting the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. But by 325 A.D., a
group backed by the political and military might of the Roman Empire had
determined which few of the stories about Christ would thereafter be
considered the canonical New Testament, and which would be regarded as
heretical bilge. No better evidence exists for the saying, "History is a tale
told by the victors."

Keep this in mind as you strategize your way through your personal War
of the Stories. Your account of events may have more truth in it than
everyone else's conflicting tales, but that won't carry much weight unless
you obtain the power to enforce your version.

. . . To read the rest of

Monday, June 25, 2007

moobe birthday

yest all of us went down to moobe & regina's place for gathering ! to celebrate moobe birthday and to play mahjong ....... i dont know how to play so the rest of them was playing happily while yohei tried to distract them .....

i was watching tv while waiting for mic to arrive for steamboat ! :P

yohei was playing around with all sorts of things while we were there.....

heres some of the pics taken !! hehehehe :) pity that elaine cant make it as she has to look after her friend's store .....

steamboat was yummy and cool !!!!! we all enjoyed the dinner lots !!!!!! Thks to regina and moobe !!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

which faery are you ...

Innocent faeryYour the sweetest and most innocent of all the faeries. You love to be around others and never have a bad word to say about anyone or anything. Your always happy but at times can be misunderstood as naive. Your favourite colour is purple or green.

Try it and see wht type r u !!!!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Embracing Your Muse

Inspiration is an intangible yet inseparable part of the creative process. Nearly all creative possibilities are related to the muses that inspire us.

The ancient Greeks believed that all creation, whether artistic or scientific in nature, was motivated by goddesses who served as the literal embodiment of inspiration.

These were the Muses—the givers of the creative spark. We still rely on muses to drive the creative process, though ours may take a diverse range of forms.

People we meet, intriguing ideas, movies, books, nature, and cultural ideals all have the potential to awaken our imaginative minds. When we are touched by our muses, we understand viscerally that we are capable of producing our own unique kind of greatness.

Many people move through life unaware of the presence of their muse. This lack of awareness can be compounded by the fact that we may have one muse that remains with us throughout our lives, multiple muses that inspire us concurrently, several muses that come and go as necessary, or a single muse that touches us briefly at specific moments.

You will know that you have found your muse when you encounter a force that makes you feel courageous enough to broaden the range of your creativity. The presence of this force will erase your self-doubt and motivate you to give your thoughts and feelings form.

Should your muse continue to elude you, however, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of falling under its inspired influence. If you surround yourself with people who support you, keep a pen and paper handy, immerse yourself in culture, and brainstorm frequently, you will soon reconnect with your muse.

Once you have identified your muse, embrace it by giving yourself over to the creative inspiration it provides.

No matter what you are moved to create, you will find that neither fear nor criticism can penetrate the wonderful bliss that goes hand in hand with the act of taking an idea and turning it into something the whole world can enjoy.

our midsummer yesterday ..

we foursome met up for lunch at central ! elaine was late again ..arriving around 2pm where the date is 1 noon :P when she arrived, shes so tired and her face is so exhausted .... she didnt really manage to sleep much these days.....rushing for her consignments and her free-lance work..... tht gal ...... really have to learn to stop and do nothing for a change .... for her own sake .... for her health and her happiness :P

Cindy came from work even though its her day off !! and due to last min request from her boss' gf ......shes got to stay on and work .... thus my original date of meeting her earlier at 1230pm was cancelled......but she still manage to come before 1 noon heheheh ..... but i saw her "glimpse" when she arrived....... her spirits are tired too ......

seems like these days...... all of us are rushing from one point to the next.........

are we in pursue of our dreams or are we rushing for the sake of rushing and obligations and duties ?

As for Betsy ..... she still have to meet up one of her client at central too before coming up to the ramen place to have lunch with us ....... and early morning, she even managed to head down to spotlight with her friend for the sales and breakfast at toast box ..... amazing, isnt it ? hehehe

ok back to our story ..... we all had yummy ramen with small dishes of pork bellies meat and stewed radish .... we chatted on bits and i passed them "numerology" as knowledge for this 2007 midsummer ...... and little pouches too ! Elaine gave each of us a cotton cool sling bag too !! heheheh *surprise* and *happy* ones too for this day !! Cool cool indeed ......

next we headed to Faeries Retreat where i have to pass my consignment pieces to Saryass and explain to them a bit on wht i am doing and had a look at their new shop ....... its a very quiet and cosy place but lack "traffics" and all of us think that they can improve on their decors and products too !!

and happily we went for "Surf Ups"

its a really funny and cool cartoons butttttttttttttttttttttt half way thru the movie......the projector broke down and thts it !!!! the person in charge came in to explain whts going on and say sorry to the audience and gave us each 2 free tickets for the next trip.........

heehehhe cool cool eh ? i was just thinking of "the girl that leaps thru time" on and off and wondering why its not on the internet screening page and still thinking of that on our way thru the day and thru the movie and then suddenly such happened........ hehehehhe

and guess what ? we all decided to go for "the girl that leaps through time" as the next movie !!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!!!!!

so we all have one more free ticket to go !! we have decided to go for surf ups again next week !!!!!

oh ya....... we even took pics with the main cast of surf ups !!! Elaine and Betsy first round and Cindy and me the next round ........ cos the manager of cathay stopped us from taking pics with them !!!!!!!! cos she said its not allowed !!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmm .......... hmmmmmmm .......

we cont on to Kino where cindy and elaine picked up their copies of crystal bible and thts when betsy went off to have dinner with edward ...... rest of us head down to foodcourt for dinner and chats at starbucks.....

its a fun and expected full of surprises day for all of us !!!!!! Cool midsummer 2007 !!!!!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

this thurs is summer solstice !!

The Summer Solstice is also known as: Alban Heflin, Alben Heruin, All-couples day, Feast of Epona, Feast of St. John the Baptist, Feill-Sheathain, Gathering Day, Johannistag, Litha, Midsummer, Sonnwend, Thing-Tide, Vestalia, etc.

It is also referred to as Midsummer because it is roughly the middle of the growing season throughout much of Europe.

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.

Personally for me......i celebrated the day with lots of laughters and fun and love and food !!!!! its a joyful day to share with loved ones and friends and families.......

it is also a day to make wishes !!!!!! as the physical manifestations are the most powerful for this day !!!!!! so make sure you are happy on this day !!!!!!!

Summer solstice may refer to:

Xiazhi (夏至), solar term in East Asia.
Summer Solstice Parade and Pageant, in Seattle, USA.
Sanziana celebration of the Western Carpatian Mountains.
Midsummer holiday in various Western traditions.
St. John's Eve celebration of Ireland and Spain.
Saint Jonas' Festival of Lithuania.
Ivan Kupala Day celebration of parts of Russia and Ukraine.
NYC Midsummer, in New York, USA.
Jāņi celebration of Latvia.
Chester Midsummer Watch Parade, in Chester, England.
Golowan Festival, in Cornwall, England.
Pagan Spirit Gathering, in Athens, USA.
Alban Hefin

Do check the meanings out online if u are interested to know more ...... hehehhe *smile*

my sun at chjimes

yest we 4 met at chjimes for a charity event to help raise funds for the bone marrow Donor Programme ....

it was raining .... the grounds are wet...... theres rain splattering ..... cat shits we smelled.....

but we still set up our stores and try our best ...... then regina and moobe and yohei came..... we chatted,laughed,had fun ..... ate tibits, ate ice-cream.......

and we packed at 7pm ..... betsy and edward went home for father's day dinner ......

the rest of us went over to raffles for dinner......

was a tiring day for us i think........

but its for charity !!! n we all did it !!!!! YAYYYY !!!!!!!!! ^__^

Friday, June 15, 2007

yest was hula girls with e n c

yest was fun ! we , gals met up for lunch and chats n movies n more chats !!

with cindy and elaine we went to the aura pic at ken crystals and all took our "pro" aura photo and wowwww the differences in those pics as compared to few months back are hmmmmm....

very interesting and cool indeed to be able to tell so much from a photo of colorful tones and images....

cindy was telling us her amazing dreams that she had these few days.....i find it very interesting and keen to find out more abt the meanings behind the dreams as dreams are from our subconscious mind and its telling us or rather sharing with us something thts important for us to learn or know .....

"Hula Girls" the movie was very touching ..... made the 3 of us cried ..... my nose was red when the movie ended .... i really enjoyed the movie..... worth the journey of heading to different cinemas to find the right time slot and the right show !!! hahahha but something quite unpleasant happened then..... we got ourselves popcorns and drinks and were all ready to enter the cinema and who is not allowed in that particular cinema !!! Urghhhhhh....... all of us were very thirsty and hungry then....... oh well......a lesson learned.......

After the show we walked a long way to foodcourt for food as well ..... our late dinner ..... and my dinner of kuay sup cost me $7 cos the auntie claimed that duck meat increased its cost price as theres no duck coming out from malaysia...... she said its all on the news ......hmmmm another oh well !!!!!

we cont the chats at toast box .... thts when elaine shared with us her fortune telling sessions at different places and the costs and if they were good !!!!! hehehhe cindy was thinking of heading to some that elaine recommended !!! :P

we'll see ..... i guess? hahahahah its a pity that Betsy wasnt around as she was working yest !!!

Till nexttime then gals....... i enjoyed this !!!!! Thks !!!!!! ^__~

Monday, June 11, 2007

packing n tidying

was packing and tidying up my boxes in the room earlier where i stored all my limited collections of crystals that i loveeeeeee ....

was tidying cos elaine needed a moonstone and i was trying to see if i have any in the collections and i found a "blue moonstone" that i got from India . Ahhhhhh its one of my favourite collection !!!!!!! and i have to "ge ai " ...... cos she badly needed it before July and its hard to find one in tumbled form ...... so i guess i'll just get elaine to "own" me one ahahahah :P

and i found my lemon quartz from Africa !!!!!! heheheh so that means we only have to find another 3 for the gals !!!!!

hmmm today was slow and i kept thinking of the dream .... hmmm

over the weekends

over the weekends all of us were at fort canning center !

we are there as vendors for the arts market organized by Nparks ... my stall was along the corridor and it was hot and humid on sat and sun ..... but luckily the fans were provided for each stall so thats a lucky one for me heheheh *smile* i cant stand hot weather !!!! makes me edgy !!! hahahaha

sat night after we closed for the day it was already 9pm so some of us decided to head to the nearest food place instead of steamboat as we originally planned.....

tom .elaine. me started to stroll down the park and head to park mall to check out the food place there and " Hans" are opened so we sit in and waited for regina's gang to arrive..... we had some food and chatted along the meal.....everyone was tired so we ended our night early.....

all in all it was alright..... would have been better if theres more crowds !!! ^__^

weird dream

hmmm my heart still pumping harder than usual after i woke up from the dreams !

tom was with me on a mission . we were working for the mankind specialist team . to clean up floating moving real dead bodies. they are like zoombies around still damaging the earth.

we were taken on the facilities and shown around by a lady. the lady took me to a shower space and teach me how to use the equipments. she told me thts where i have to shower after each trip to get rid of dripping bloods. the showers are like forceful waterfalls splashing out when i press a certain buttons.

then tom was very supporting thru the journey as he knew how much i felt and how much responsibilties were on my shoulders.... the dreams felt so real and so sad in a way if mother earth really turns out tht way...

hmmmm hmmmmm the journey on a sailing boat thru those places makes me sick in a way as everywhere i turn i can feel all the feelings and energies of the dead..... makes my heart felt so heavy ....

wht a dream ...

Friday, June 08, 2007


love·lorn (lvlôrn) KEY ADJECTIVE:
Bereft of love or one's lover.
Created on 7th June 2007 by ayako ! each one of them comes with a unique stamp at the back .

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Importance of Forgiveness

When someone has hurt us, consciously or unconsciously, one of the most difficult things we have to face in resolving the situation is the act of forgiveness.

Sometimes it feels like it's easier not to forgive and that the answer is to simply cut the person in question out of our lives. In some cases, ending the relationship may be the right thing to do, but even in that case, we will only be free if we have truly forgiven.

If we harbor bitterness in our hearts against anyone, we only hurt ourselves because we are the ones harboring the bitterness. Choosing to forgive is choosing to alleviate ourselves of that burden, choosing to be free of the past, and choosing not to perceive ourselves as victims.

One of the reasons that forgiveness can be so challenging is that we feel we are condoning the actions of the person who caused our suffering, but this is a misunderstanding of what is required.

In order to forgive, we simply need to get to a place where we are ready to stop identifying ourselves with the suffering that was caused us. Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves, and our forgiveness of others is an extension of our readiness to let go of our own pain.

Getting to this point begins with fully accepting what has happened. Through this acceptance, we allow ourselves to feel and process our emotions. It can be helpful to articulate our feelings in writing over a period of days or even weeks.

As we allow ourselves to say what we need to say and ask for what we need to heal, we will find that this changes each day. It may be confusing, but it is a sign of progress. At times we may feel as if we are slogging uphill through dense mud and thick trees, getting nowhere.

If we keep going, however, we will reach a summit and see clearly that we are finally free of the past.

From here, we recognize that suffering comes from suffering, and compassion for those who have hurt us naturally arises, enhancing our new perspective.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

something to read with those of u who are reading this

"You are gods who have forgotten who they are. You are emperors who
have fallen asleep and are dreaming that they have become beggars. Now
beggars are trying to become emperors, in dreams they are making great
efforts to become emperors, and all that is needed is to wake up!"
- Osho

PS: like i always said to people i met.......always protrait out loving kindness to your surroundings, your environment, to your friends and families, loved ones and even your so called "enemies" ..... cos if we try to give loving kindness out to the universe everyday before we start our own day, its like a ripple effects......more and more people will be awake by the kindness and start doing that to their own group of friends and loved ones as well ..... wouldnt that be a happier universe then? no longer are we alone and that we unite to help each other on our ways in little things, little smiles to bring to strangers......

i know it sounds difficult especially when one is down in its own world's of worries and space but if you were to give yaself a chance to open up ya eyes and see......everywhere u look, theres something to be thankful for.......

for me personally today, its my friends elaine n betsy, for sharing and helping each other on our way of fulfilling our dreams, sharing our hopes and making it happen ...... if i were to stand alone today, i wont be able to afford to get a slot for a faire in an established market but as 3 of us stand together, we shared our burdens of funds and encouragements of hope and success to push each other upwards in a healthy and happy way ..... so thats wht i am thankful for ......

for today !

promoting the positive

Sometimes we start out with the best intentions to think and speak only positive thoughts, but the people around us throw us off course.

Not everyone fully understands the power our thoughts and words have, or even if they do, they may be stuck in old patterns of negativity.

Much of our habitual communication takes the form of complaining and criticizing, and it can be hard to find a way into certain conversations without lapsing into those old habits.

However, we always have the option not to participate in negativity or to find a way to influence the situation in a positive direction. In the right company, you may even be able to directly acknowledge the fact that things have taken a negative turn, thus freeing yourself and others from the negative pull.

Not everyone will respond to your cues, and there’s no need to become overly attached to the idea of changing other people, because people have to choose for themselves how they will be in the world.

Many people choose negativity because it is familiar to them and feels safe. It is important to give people the space to find their own way, but you can always set an example, subtly representing the power of being positive. At times you may interject an affirmative statement into the conversation, and at others you may simply change the subject.

You may also simply withdraw your energy and presence, which also makes a subtle statement. If you feel comfortable enough with somebody that is always negative, perhaps you can have an honest conversation with them; after all, awareness is the first step to change.

A powerful way to free yourself from the negative pull is to enlist allies who are similarly minded. You and a friend, coworker, or family member may agree to work together to continually shift the energy in a situation in a positive direction.

The power of two people working to promote the positive is exponentially greater than one person working on their own.

As you and your allies work together to lift the energy around you, you will be amazed to see how quickly the positive pull begins to draw people into its orbit, freeing one mind after another from negativity into light.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Art Market At Fort Canning Park

9th June from 12pm-9pm

1Oth June from 12pm-6pm

Somethingmagickal will be there too !!!!!!

See U there...... ^__~