Hellooo everyone,
greetings from NZ. time over here is 10.06am now and i'm totally worn out !
been working from the day i arrived and its still on-going even though the hikoi is officially over ...we still have tons to do and to clean up the mess left overs and to pack everything back into its own place so that it can be reused again next year .
For this year, i'm all over everywhere, in the ktichen cooking and making salads, helping wai in her computer stuffs/adminstrative works , conducting workshops and assisting her in her teachings as well ... so overall, theres never a free time for me to cool down or sit down for even 5mins . Even the participants said that i'm always on the go , doing everything at one time .... super robot i am :P
Oh well, 2morow angelika and wai and i are going on a ferry over to the south island, the picton and thats where we will start our own little journey into nelson and etc, we didnt plan anything but to just go with the flow and hopefully we'll get time to visit the saturaday market over at nelson's as its apparently a very cool and good/interesting local market where all the artists and designers show off their wares .... theres even a japanese carver i hear and hes got very beautiful stuffs but expensive !! hahahaha
then on 17/18 march is another teachings over on at the farm and i'll have to participate and help out in any ways too .... and its work and work and work till i fly back to Singapore ....
I cant say how or what i have learnt as i havent got time to digest or process or to cool down and sit down to think so i'll have to see/cool off when i'm back ....
hope that u guys are having fun in Singapore too .... Ja ^__^