what are we , gals/ladies/lovers/wives looking for in the exisiting relationships with friends,boyfriends,partners,husbands......
yest had a cool afternoon chats with few of my galfriends on how men usually take their partners/lovers/galfriends/wives for granted after they got settled down thru time....
was it really men's fault? or are we expecting too much out of the mundane?
I would say it takes 2 to clap in all situations, relationships....
No one likes to be forgotten through time.... and perhaps gals are more sensitive to their feelings but not as out-spoken ! gals would always be gals.... we love all things romantic and sweet, little things that touches you out of the blue, little surprises on the journey through each week, days, months or years..... seeing our men saved up to get us that particular "item" that we loved so much and for sure we can afford to get it but still........we just want our loved one to get it for us ..... hehehe to show that they appreciate and love us still !
perhaps all we are looking out for are signs......signs that u guys still care for us, like how u guys used to woo us in courtship days, signs that you are still loving us lots and lots more through time, signs that we are not forgotten , that we are not just a shadow in your daily routine....
Mushy words are like little toppings to the decorations of a beautiful cake , to make it even more yummy ! So dont be shy or stingy with those.....
Appreciations are greatly appreciated too in all ways in all relationships ! show that u care and love your loved ones, friends...
a little hugzs goes a long way too ...... *wink*
so gals are still gals afterall ! Haahhahahah !!