Friday, April 20, 2007

returning home

Spiritual teachers have always pointed to the heart as the seat of consciousness, and recently Western science has found evidence to support this realization.

It turns out that the heart has its own central nervous system and is not simply under the rule of the brain as formerly believed.

Anyone who has taken the time to explore the heart knows this and, more important, has realized that the heart is the source of our connection to a consciousness greater than the ego.

Approaching life with an open heart means that we have opened the door to this greater consciousness, taking up residence alongside it in the seat of our soul. Fortunately, at this time there is a lot of support for this shift energetically as well as practically.

To some degree, approaching life with an open heart is as simple as shifting your attention onto your heart.

Eventually you will be able do this any time, any place, but at first it may help to try it in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Simply sit with your eyes closed and draw your breath into your heart.

As your breath expands your chest cavity, your heart expands and opens. You may feel tenderness or sadness in your heart, and you may also feel relief.

Any emotions that arise can be effectively witnessed and healed through the meditation process, which benefits both your physical heart and your energetic heart. The more you practice, the more you will find your heart opening to your own presence and to all the situations your life brings.

When we open our hearts, they may feel tender and vulnerable, which simply means that they need our loving attention as we cleanse and heal them of past hurts and blockages.

This process asks us to practice some of the heart's greatest lessons-patience, compassion, and unconditional love.

On the other hand, we may take up residence as effortlessly as a bird returns to its nest. Either way, approaching life with an open heart simply means returning to our true home.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My godbrother getting marry !!!!!!!

my GOdbrother's wedding pics in HK !~ hes getting married on Oct 27 2007 !!!

Max n Ayako

Here's little max n me trying to take a pic before i go back to lower hutt, Wainuiomata.
Max is growing up real fast as i remembered the last time i saw him (last year march)hes still a little toddler crawling around on the hes a cool little boy who loves to dance to music and watching out for the moon in the night skies !!! I really love him ! hahahah *grin *

Nana Wai with Arrabella n Max

Here's my teacher...

Nana (nana is maori word for grandma) Wai with her grandchildren ! Baby Arrabella and her big brother Max ....

Took this picture on Arrabella's arrival to the world hehehe on las monday 16 april 2007.

new born Arrabella 16 April 2007

Here's baby Arrabella with Mummy Lynda....

its such an emotional moments when we (Wai n Dave n me) arrived just in time to witness the birth of Arrabella popping out of her mother's stomach.

Born at 4.20pm 16 April 2007

Grand-daughter of Wai's ( my teacher)

Shes such a divine and quite adorable baby with long fingers and legs and body too !! Weighing at 3.9kg !!

*Congrats* indeed heheheh !!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mee Suah June Exhibition

more information plzs visit :

to visit more of ayako's artworks:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Welcome home a reading


WELCOME HOME Let me remind you who you really are:

You're an immortal freedom fighter in service to divine love. You have temporarily taken on the form of a human being, suffering amnesia about your true origins, in order to liberate all sentient creatures from suffering and help them claim the ecstatic awareness that is their birthright.

You will accept nothing less than the miracle of bringing heaven all the way down to earth. Your task may look impossible.

Ignorance and inertia, partially camouflaged as time-honored morality, seem to surround you. Pessimism is enshrined as a hallmark of worldliness. Compulsive skepticism masquerades as perceptiveness.

Mean-spirited irony is chic. Stories about treachery and degradation provoke a visceral thrill in millions of people who think of themselves as reasonable and smart.

Beautiful truths are suspect and ugly truths are readily believed.To grapple against these odds, you have to be both a wrathful insurrectionary and an exuberant lover of life.

You've got to cultivate cheerful buoyancy even as you resist the temptation to swallow thousands of delusions that have been carefully crafted and seductively packaged by very self-important people who act as if they know what they're doing.

You have to learn how to stay in a good mood as you overthrow the sour, puckered hallucination that is mistakenly referred to as reality.

What can we do to help each other in this work?First, we can create safe houses to shelter everyone who's devoted to the slow-motion awakening.

These sanctuaries might take the form of temporary autonomous zones like festivals and parties and workshops, where we can ritually potentiate the evolving mysteries of pronoia.

Or they might be more enduring autonomous zones like homes and cafes and businesses where we can get regular practice in freeing ourselves from the slavery of hatred in all of its many guises.

What else can we do to help each other?

We can conspire together to carry out the agenda that futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard names: to hospice what's dying and midwife what's being born.

We need the trigger of each other's rebel glee as we kill off every reflex within us that resonates in harmony with the putrefaction.

We need each other's dauntless cunning as we goad and foment the blooming life forces within us that thrive on the New World's incandescent questions.

Here's a third way we can collaborate: We can inspire each other to perpetrate healing mischief, friendly shocks, compassionate tricks, blasphemous reverence, holy pranks, and crazy wisdom . . . .

To read the rest of "WELCOME HOME," excerpted fromPRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia,

ps: sounds like e current project we are doing....( elaine.betsy.cindy.ayako) hehehhe coolcool ~~ganbatte ne ! May our angels and guidances be with us all ...blessing us and guiding us on this wonderful cool happy journey !! (at least it sounds like tht to me :P)